The root of all that is EVL: money, cold hard cash! People do some amazingly bizarre things to get it! Everyone loves it, everyone needs it and everyone wants it! I did struggle with this piece. The $ was the first piece for this show that I created, so I still hadn’t fully grasped the concept. The dollar sign really is just the letter “S” with 2 parallel lines running through it. Graffiti heads know that those 2 lines change the character of the piece entirely. It’s pieces like this that I learn the most from. The hard pieces provide lessons through the struggle; the easy ones don’t challenge me quite as much, which doesn’t mean I don’t learn from them, I just learn different lessons.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


Just a drawing– a drawing from a forgettable nightclub in Queens, with a shady owner (imagine that!), an unpaid bill, and a flood that almost destroyed the original drawing combined weren’t enough to prevent this reincarnation! One of the cool toys Photoshop allows me is the ability to change the darkness of the art easily so I can experiment with contrast and I take full advantage of that on this piece. Using a dramatic style of lettering with an “under-lit” light source combined with the deep reds I create a sinister yet deviously sexy style. I don’t know why I equate many devious thoughts with sexiness, I think I’m just hardwired that way.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


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The letter G is so clear, and the face is so prevalent to me that I think it really could be a letter or an animal. It has many characteristics that make it seem familiar. When you look at it, your mind immediately picks up on that familiarity and you feel like you know (or at least) have seen this creature before, but you haven’t! The title came to me as soon as I completed it. Sitting high above the other vehicles emphasizes the title as well as the scale of anger in traffic! “Grrrr!”


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


Many days I spent hanging half out the window of my 13th floor bedroom window. Often it was the source of great entertainment! One of the more creative things my mind conjured from that window was my barrage of paper airplanes, each designed and redesigned solely for better voyages! My window launched hundreds of flights over the years! Oh, the cheap thrill I’d feel when I’d send one off on a really long and majestic flight. Many of them just nose-dived directly into the concrete, but those crash- and -burns only made me appreciate the successful trips all the more.


Maybe I bit off too much with this one, but goodness how I love a challenge. I never actually made paper boats, but I have seen them in movies and they often portray an innocence or tranquility. I wanted to flip that idea; what flips better than “the bird”? So, here is what I imagine when flipping the bird, rather un-serenely.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


I really can’t remember when I did this Blood outline but it was well before I had any grasp of photoshop. I made a rookie mistake and saved my work in super tiny format rendering it useless. My frustration overpowered my desire to stay in the digital world as I then abandoned digital art in hopes that it would go away like the hula-hoop! It didn’t go away and so, I eventually had to accept it back into my life and learn it, and learn from it. What I learned was that I was no digital artist; I am, however an artist, my job being able to communicate using any tool or medium available. Today I can add photoshop to the many other interpreters’ I have, pen, pencil, marker, spray can, whatever because after all, It’s In the Blood.


The letter S, as a graffiti shape, is a wonderful letter for graffiti styles. It’s sexy with its curves but completely balanced and can be made to lean in different directions, or sway away; as well it can also be made to feel heavy or light. While I was painting it the idea of the little M’s, or minions, secretly fabricated in some creative back room of my mind, a funny yet worthy afterthought making me laugh out loud several times during the process.


Inspiration for an artist (mainly, me) can come from anywhere, any place and any experience. It’s from these experiences that I find the artistic fuel needed for most of my works. The process begins almost immediately as my eyes open and I awaken. I begin on an insatiable trek to feed my creative soul searching throughout my every waking moment and I can say this, it is exhausting! Weeding out all the mediocre ideas trying to discover the gems is very tiring but well worth the drudgery. The inspiration for Cass, I think fittingly, comes from a spiritual and soulful schoolteacher whose light shined on my creative eye. It’s rare when you come across an inspiring beauty so when it happens you treasure it, or you recreate it. The letters are simple, curvy and flow beautifully with contradicting and deceptive planes. It seems effortless but it’s actually very complex and detailed, just like Cass.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


G! Graffiti, Pop! Pop art! G-Pop! My cutting, innovative graffiti style takes these letters and pushes them farther, twisting and bouncing them around! I’m shooting my six-shooter of style on the ground under the letters “feet” forcing them to dance to my tunes! The letters, still remain the base but a far and distant base. With a jaded fear that I may alienate the viewer, I felt I needed to go on this adventure alone so I can experiment more. How far could the letters go before they were no longer letters? I can easily see them but it’s been my experience that almost always I am the only one that can, which to me isn’t a bad place to be either. The letters of this piece, E, R, N and I (they are there I promise) are born of a style also crawling from its infancy.


Certain letters in general are more challenging than others. Certain letters lend themselves to graffiti more than others do. I chose the letter “R” to do in graffitorigami and as animal because the letter “R” moves organically in my mind. Lopsided yes, but strong and stable, more so than other letters that are similar, like K, L, B and so on. I thought it would be the perfect letter to experiment in both animate and inanimate styles in this show. The 2 R’s, similar in their differences.


What is this love me/hate me affair I have with this city? Brooklyn was originally done on plywood for a music video for Brooklyn native Krista. This time I forgot to bring a camera so the only rendition I got was a low-res photo on my crappy phone. Today however I am able to revive that Brooklyn piece and pay it some love too!


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


In general filmmaking terms, “money shot” was a reference to the scene that cost the most money to produce. In addition, the inclusion of this expensive and special effect sequence would be counted on to become a selling point for the film. For example, in an action thriller, an expensive special effects sequence of a bursting dam might be called the ‘money shot’! Were you expecting something more?


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


Quadritos are little 4′ x 4″ wooden squares installed 1.5″ apart from each other on a brick wall in the restaurant Mercadito, in Chicago. The art on these quadritos is loosely based on the eagle and serpent emblem on the flag of Mexico. I love this piece so much I really wanted to recreate a digital piece of art for it. Each quadrito was painted using a circle-pixilated style for the serpent and a square pixilation for the eagle that together combine to create the whole. Up close each wooden panel is its own tiny abstract painting but the sum of all the parts together create the serpent and eagle visible only from a distance! If you cant see the snake and eagle, try blurring your vision a little. It’s really there!


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


Done! After 13 months and 168 paintings, the final piece. Finished with 1 day to spare! I chose to close this journey with a 3D graffiti piece because that’s when I broke away from my graffiti peers and it was an important break for me. The more I separated myself from the pack the more I artistically grew. Every challenge defined me more and prepared me for this journey, this incredible, and very unusual journey!


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


Well it must be clear by now, although I don’t do as much graffiti as I once did I still love returning to the genre that is the foundation of all my styles. I probably have also made it clear that Brooklyn will always be a recurring subject in my life and works. However, here now is my ode to Miami. Brooklyn may have been the beginning, but Miami is the now. Like Brooklyn, Miami is carving a spot deep in my heart. It’s still in so many ways a dirty little town (little like Brooklyn), bohemian in many areas, polished and glitzy in others! I declare that Miami is today the urban art capital of the world! Good and evil still wage constant war in these city streets. I fear, love, respect and embrace its many faces.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.