OUCH! So swift and sharp is the edge of the Cupid’s arrow. A piranha bite pales in comparison to a slight lick from the arrow of love. The wounds, regardless of whether deep or not, always sting. Every shot is another wound for your mind to heal. Some of us heal quickly, some aren’t as fortunate. What many of us call “love”, is really just a seesaw existence because as we love, we hate, we fall and we get knocked down, we rise up and then we do it all over again! Centuries have only proved one thing: that we wouldn’t have it any other way!

From the deepest and darkest pit of despair is where the Phoenix rises. Watch as the power from within combines with anguish and anger. Then, observe how the Phoenix grinds these dark ashes and feeds from them, growing ever so slightly at first, but becoming mightier and mightier each passing moment! The Phoenix is strength, formed from the strife of generations past and persecuted from races stereotyped. The downtrodden, the huddled masses, together, uniting and uplifting each other to heights unforeseen and more powerful than any singular being; strong in its unity, powerful in itself the Phoenix will vanquish all in its path.

The twins dance, mesmerize, hypnotize; the record spins on it’s axis and with every rotation you lose just another step of your way. Each round, each revolution pushes you further and each beat pulls you back! You’re lost and you’re found! You think you want to break free but you don’t. You can’t! You wouldn’t stop the dance even if you could! Ultimately, you surrender to the beat from the speakers and to the crowds as they dance individually in unison with you. The combinations lead you to ritualism. You surrender yourself to the mythical twins and join them as many others have, becoming their slaves to the rhythm!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

This outrageous show of taboo and wanton lust has been banned in several countries! Entry to experience what is being heralded as distasteful, immoral and completely classless will not be granted to any person under 26 unless accompanied by someone even older! It’s a must see in its depraved entirety on the big screen, a big moisture proof screen!
Spelling things phonetically is a common graffiti practice and I practice them liberally here. I purposely eliminated one of the “R’s” in interracial, hoping the viewer subconsciously senses the closeness between the characters, both human and letter. Phonetically, “3some” was way more obvious. I’m not sure if my phonetic experiment worked since very few noticed the misspellings which is fine by me, maybe the imagery was too diztracting!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

He was always invisible to her. No matter how much he loved her, it seemed she always looked right through him. Banished to the background it seemed he was doomed to forever proclaim his love from afar. Oh but that would change! This time, things would be different! This time she will come to know his love and desire for her, this time she would know his name!
In graffiti, the letter “O” is a wildcard. You can creatively replace it with imagery like hearts, characters and such but one of the more popular substitutions is the iconic bowling ball with a lit fuse explosive! I hoped this element would lend a sense of danger and of time running out on my characters, purely for your entertainment only!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

(Subtitled) Graffiti, Art de la criminalité? Crime passionnel? Carrière ou l’amour choix? Voir les nombreux niveaux du graffiti sur ce train émotionnel va explorer! (Graffiti, Art of crime? Crime of passion? Career or love choices? See the many levels of graffiti this emotional train will explore). This film is ebonically subtitled.
The simple flowing, pop 3D letters in subtle colors is what confidently remains in the background and is what allows for the story to continue to develop. These letters are the antithesis of graffiti yet they can also stand alone on any wall or any painting. This could only mean, if I painted them on a wall today, I wouldn’t be laughed at!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

My first apartment on Bedford and South 1st, in Willie B, Brooklyn, was where I understood what it would be like to have a space that was not connected to my immediate family. It was big, spacious, clean and cheap. Outside was another world! When KRS 1 sang, “The girlies are free cause the crack cost money” I understood completely what he meant! I often and secretly wished many times that a barbarian-ish diva would arrive one day and vanquish the knuckleheads and dealers on my block. While never wanting to be thought of as a punk… real gunshots can test anybody’s courage.
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

I often say, these days, I don’t struggle as much as I used to, but struggle is definitely an integral ingredient of my work. I always try to be inspiring and encouraging to fellow artists, especially to the younger artists of today, because I remember how much I struggled when I was younger. I grew up in the projects of lower Manhattan and it was not very much fun then as it may seem now. Brooklyn was no upgrade either. It always seemed the city’s streets were just another force to deal with daily, something else out to get me. My parked car (a business necessity that replaced my skateboard) constantly fell victim to thieves and ticket writing police. Funny how the two never ever crossed paths, but they were always out there, prowling around, waiting to catch a moment when I wasn’t looking to pounce on me. This painting is not a bitch-fest but instead, a confirmation that good, along with perseverance, can come from bad.
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

The Baby Dragon idea came to me over 25 years ago and is more a personal piece for myself than anyone else. I actually attempted to paint him on a subway way back when but had to abandon the mission after a shard of glass went through my sneaker into my foot. First-aid immediately became the goal, but in the back of my mind I always knew I would return to Baby Dragon and finish him with due justice!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Neptune is the mythical Roman god of water and the sea. Many stories abound of Neptune but few realize that of all the gods, he was the party rocking, night-breaking, raiser of roofs kind of god; Neptune gets down! Rocking and breaking beats making the waters crash hard over stone and land. White water stallions stampede the dance-floors in their fantastical chariots made of bass and treble. These are Nep-tunes inescapable beats that flow from land to sea!

We have all been there; we have all experienced the kiss-off in some way or another. Sometimes, we are responsible for delivering the kiss-off and sometimes, we are the recipients. This is a harsh staple of life and an important part of us becoming who we are. I remember having to consciously force myself to get over the idea that some people just didn’t prefer my company. Luckily, age and wisdom (there’s that wisdom thing again!) have assisted me greatly in building the attitude needed to become my own self. I’ve realized the best result you can have for yourself is yourself, minus the fear; fear of scrutiny, and fear of the inevitable Kiss Off!

War is evil; no matter how esthetically pretty this picture is, it depicts war, and that’s simply ugly. After all, what is pretty about the business of war, the deceptions fed to us to begin a war or the privatization of the business of war for profit? (It was never about getting the oil but to control it). The truth is, real war is just pure evil. In such an advanced and intelligent society that we claim to live in, how is it that we have let ourselves be in a war lasting over 8 years (at the time of this painting)? The score is evidence that this war isn’t a game: US casualties = 4459 and Iraqi casualties =110,000+. Not so pretty is it? In creating this painting, I am, in my own way, protesting. This is how I choose to deal with the anger and feelings about war, at least my protest is civilized!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

They play music in heaven and hell, don’t they? But, I wonder who rocks the party harder? Do the sinners really have more fun? Are the saints that repressed that they can’t get their groove on in the jam of all jams, the jam of life? How much fun could heaven be like if it were filled with so much good to begin with? We all know the best times in life come from some element of naughtiness, mixed with the possibility of danger are present! When we remember our best times, don’t most come with a self-disclaimer? I’m not talking about loved ones or good times with the family, I’m talking about the best of times in your life! Remember those times? Were they heavenly? Were the hellish? Would you do them again if you could? Let’s blur the lines already!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Don’t mess with these notorious nymphos of mayhem! They steal, they rob and yes, they shoot! Armed with their signature pink pistols, this “Pistola Posse” will sear a scorched reminder on every soul they cross and or think may have crossed them! Money and greed are the only ingredients to their lethalness!
I chose two relatively simple flowing and readable styles for the words “Hellcat” and “Honey’s” purposely because they are unalike. They show how two different styles can co-mingle quite effectively. The painting already had so much of a storyline I thought a more complex style of letter would compete too much and take away from the painting’s message. That’s why both of these styles are simpler and more readable.
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

What is it about the positively “EVL” thought of someone attractive not wearing underwear? Why is it so seductive and so sexy to us? I have pondered this so many times, for so many years and still can’t come up with any valid explanation. A friend recently mentioned to me that she wasn’t wearing undergarments; based on this alone, I couldn’t stop my mind from racing thoughts of all kinds of sexy encounters! So, for whatever the reasons are that drive us into naughty, naughty wonderlands, may they continue, because I really love it!