evl tag

I like to refer to this as my self-portrait, if I were 3ft tall and chased by police, unfriendly street thugs, and avoiding spotlights aaaaand furry all over too! It’s never a good feeling when you know that bright spotlight is searching you out and not for your winning roll in hosting the Oscars!

Teddy is the absolute first of all my Misfit series. Teddy ushered in, out from my head, the hilarity and insanity to follow and although his fetish loving ways didn’t make him the most popular misfit, in my heart he surely is the most important.
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Life long felon to be exact. He knows the ins and outs of the judicial system better than most of the court appointed lawyers he has met. He is a master at petty crime and aspires to one day reside in the taxpayer funded resort we all lovingly refer to as ‘Club Fed’! Felon is actually born from the mind of my muse, Red! Looks like my madness may actually be contagious!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Eres mia, aun que me consumes todos los días.
Soy tu muñeco roto.
Me clavaste tus colmillos pero me tienes de rodillas.
Me ahogas con tu soledad torturante pero eres mi respiro.
Me sacas los ojos pero te tengo entre mis pupilas.
Juegas conmigo pero vivo en tus manos.
Nací para darte lo infinito de tus sueños pero desvanecí, al despertar, a tu beso cruel de despedida.

One can only watch as any attempt at saving your economy quickly fades and sinks lower and deeper with every passing ripple. Resisting stubbornly and violently to any of your efforts to save it! The piggies attitude of contentment to drown with the weight of your funding is apparent! Maybe, if you worked just a bit harder! Maybe, if these piggies could swim…
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

It’s very, very important, that before you, or your posse go out for a simple night of unabashed wilding, mayhem, property destruction or just pure, pure EVL, to always drink your milk.

Soft and furry, cute and cuddly, oops, did I say cuddly? This is not a cuddly, petting kind of pet. This one’s not a good pal, chap or comrade! This one’s to be avoided at all costs! He’s a direct result of what happens when one grows up never filling their own skin. Imagine wearing a giant suit, big enough that it could hide your mannerisms. Roomy enough to store an arsenal loaded with fear, malice and inappropriate verbiage. You never really know who amongst us is wearing a big suit do we? Luckily, I have always come across big suits filled with warm fuzzies, or maybe I just chose to believe that. Sometimes the pain comes in retrospect.
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Sushi cat needs no concern from anyone who may worry for her. She is a willing participant! The purest of exhibitionist and the freshest sushi anyone would ever taste, just be careful to un-wrap correctly!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Last call of the ultimate party, the party of life, the party of death! Either way, it’s never a pretty site when you hear “last call” being shouted! No one wants their party to end. Golden trumpets blare their songs from the heavens keeping the party alive! Everyone is alive! Even the non-living will rise and join the dance! Until one more “Last Call” is shouted, the festival will go on!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.
On Patrol in Alphabet City

It’s difficult to express what this piece means to me because I haven’t quite bonded with it just yet; having finished it the morning of the exhibit’s opening. It sometimes takes me, as the artist, a while to connect with the work because of the quickness of which I create them. The inevitable bond will come as it surely always does. It’s a fun and curious painting and I’m interested to see how people respond to it, being that it is different from the rest of this collection. Also this painting has no top or bottom, it’s hanger-dexterous.

Reverence is served swift, carried out with a seemingly playful yet, reckless abandonment. The blow from the big stick after a soft walk will put you on your back rather than back on the path to salvation. It will remind you that only the best of religions will judge you fairly, so choose wisely before you succumb. Believe in the faith that you have chosen correctly with your fellow followers because salvation is the ante. Only one religion can be the true religion, correct? Have you chosen correctly? Remember, not choosing is still a choice in the afterlife! And for those who haven’t chosen, Prey!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Little paws fastened to the collar, feigned indifference; almost bored and needing adventure like hip-hop needs bass! If life isn’t mentally challenging enough then life isn’t worth the trouble. Pinch me, pierce me, and make me think! Make me alive! Otherwise, I will grow bored and do some really strange stuff! Make me feel you!

Even the weakest of wizards know that strength doesn’t always come from power but from strong alliances! It’s the wise wizard that knows to seek the power of the Seeing Eye; the eye that sees you when you’re most desperate and most especially when you don’t want to be seen. This is the “seeing eye” that observes you at your lowest of lows without judgment. Possibly because it always remembers your triumphs as well!
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

I haven’t seen one yet, not a dancing one, not a pink one, but I have on several occasions drank well enough that I thought one may appear! I searched everywhere! I really wanted to see one… but no such luck! I decided to take the matter through my own hand and create the vision myself. He’s still a little abstract and somewhat unclear but if you consume an adequate amount of alcohol, you too can see him plain as day! The sober have a hard time seeing Pinky but children (sober of course, I’m no maniac), can see him as clearly as the intoxicated because kids have the clearest vision. Maybe Pinky is a reminder of a lost childhood– a time when laughter was innocent, when we were free and inspired by everything around us, before life reminded us to behave like good boys and girls in our surroundings. Pinky is a throwback to a time when seeing him was a good thing, maybe.

This little terror did not start out with blue eyes. Many times when I paint I will mentally digress from the road, adding or subtracting elements as I progress. Nearing completion, without a title, this song played; Behind Blue Eyes is sung from the point of view of a faux villain named Jumbo. The song is a first-person lament from Jumbo, who is angry and full of angst because of all the pressure and temptation that surrounds him.
“When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat
No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes”
If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.