In Word Find Series you can try to guess the title of the painting solely from the description
or you can try to read the graffiti text on the painting.

“ Beso “

Una expresión de afecto, amor. Saluda, la reverencia.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Daddy’s Girl

Collaboration with Marcus Suarez

(Amy Winehouse) Marcus really captured that raw soul and innocence of torment. The madness of technique I used signifies torment, it’s a wild mess. The innocence of her slight smile showing a positive apprehension but her eyes avert, distracted by other forces of her life. The ones, I can only guess, brought about the demise of such a tiny person that had to carry around such heavy and large life issues, that no one that young should ever carry, eventually this issues got in the way of her talent.




If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.


(Debbie Harry) Oh, hell yes, find me someone who doesn’t think she is a bad ass and I will show you someone with no knowledge of music. Gritty, sexy and a voice range that not many people can comprehend, don’t believe me? Play Heart of Glass then One Way or Another back to back. A leader in the burgeoning 1980s ( best time to be creative in NYC, it was “gold Jerry, gold!”). Next in my line of best voices from way back then are Pat Benatar and Karen Carpenter. I dare you to challenge these 3, I would only add Grace Jones as the supplement just from an attitude standpoint.


Original painting is in private collection

Deconstructed Reconstructed Mickey

The past several years taught me, learned** me, held me, and has set me free out into this manic screwed up world but prepared me for it.I am at my core foundation a graffiti artist, not a graffiti writer, I was once, a graffiti writer, funny thing was I didn’t write anything, just my name over and over and over. Now as an artist and graffiti master I don’t need words or letters to show off my techniques, my styles and the hundreds of my blah blah blahs so here I go, applying all the laws of graffiti to characters universally known. Inviting you closer, you know the Mouse, he won’t hurt you (so it says in his resume). But as you inspect closer you with see misdirection, empty spaces where there shouldn’t be and maybe a feeling of uneasiness and if you do, then as an artist, I have succeeded.

**I could have used the correct word, taught, but I was feeling I had been learned so yes, totally intentional.

Original painting is in the private collection.

Mojo Rising

(Jim Morrison) I really don’t have to explain this to anyone, do I? Charisma off the charts and not self-appointed, it just lived in him, the song/poetry writing styles and lyrics that really can’t be compared to anyone either then or now.

Are You Experienced?

(Jimi Hendrix), just like Jim Morrison was also my inspiration. Except he had swagger, style, talent and after he left Do-Wop he became Hendrix. When the Who said they don’t “open” for Hendrix, he “opens” for them, he lit his guitar on fire and played/prayed to it and as he passed them backstage, he said to them something of the tune of follow that mother fuckers. They waited a while to take the stage

MS Longevity

I believe the year was 1984, I bought an issue of the top Penthouse Pets of that year, and, yes, they were all quite attractive. I was making the purchase solely based on the fact that if I wanted to illustrate beautiful ladies, this was the cheapest way to hire models, from magazine pages. Also, I was a growing pubescent teen but that’s another story. One of the most beautiful creatures I ever saw appeared in one of those sections. Lisa Schultz, I was so early in my “artistic and sexy collection” phase in life, I just assumed all and every young lady would be prettier than the previous. So, after a substantial and timely investment (not more than a decade, or two, that I can easily replay them in my mind), and many monthly disappointments later, I realized, that issue after issue, year after year, no one would come close to her beauty. Fast forward to 2021, I do not collect magazine references any more, and haven’t for a very long time but…yes, I still had that magazine with Ms. Shultz, wrinkled and some pages dog eared, and, yes, she is still my number one model. So, it was only natural that when it was time to paint, to really go all in, she became the crux of this new direction, when my mind’s eye and my right arm finally artistically merged. (my left arm is relegated to household chores mostly, which are very much just as important in life, sheesh give a left arm some slack, sorry, lefty jumped in). Ms. Schultz leads us to the Mouse.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Double Ms

I started my new style with my favorite subject. Rarely i painted any celebrities

Power PuffPiece

PowerPuff girls:

Butter Cup


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Bad Reputation

Collaboration with Steve Nunez

(Joan Jett) Steve is unparalleled airbrush master. (I used to airbrush like this many moons ago but once I got left in the dust I decided another road is coming into my future creative life, and I think I am happier because of that decision). He painted Joan Jett not as the leather clad rock-n-roll icon, “feeding dimes in juke boxes”, he caught her innocence instead. But I see her innocence as a façade for an acting diva that will seduce your cash and wallet right of off you, but when she’s gone with your belongings, you will still be glad that you had met her. Joan Jett loves Rock and Roll and I love Joan Jett.

Man of Actions

Towards you, straight towards you. You know him, he is Superman! Why? Who knows, we were told so, so he must be here to always be helpful. His eye lasers can cut steel, he is impenetrable to most weapons except Jade (called Kryptonite in the town he hails from). Oh, did I mention he can fly, really fast, even in space. Fly too, fly away. And you will never recognize him because he has the most deceptive disguise ever created to deceive humans on this particular planet. Glasses. Mind, blown.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

I’m Not Your Iron Man

I whispered, bending down my head,

“Your lips are like a cherry;” She took my meaning – laughed and said, “Well, I’m your huckleberry.” But I won’t be your Iron Man.


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.

Butterfly Arrows


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.