Deconstructed Reconstructed Mickey

Acrylics on canvas 30 x 30 inches 2022

The past several years taught me, learned** me, held me, and has set me free out into this manic screwed up world but prepared me for it.I am at my core foundation a graffiti artist, not a graffiti writer, I was once, a graffiti writer, funny thing was I didn’t write anything, just my name over and over and over. Now as an artist and graffiti master I don’t need words or letters to show off my techniques, my styles and the hundreds of my blah blah blahs so here I go, applying all the laws of graffiti to characters universally known. Inviting you closer, you know the Mouse, he won’t hurt you (so it says in his resume). But as you inspect closer you with see misdirection, empty spaces where there shouldn’t be and maybe a feeling of uneasiness and if you do, then as an artist, I have succeeded.

**I could have used the correct word, taught, but I was feeling I had been learned so yes, totally intentional.

Original painting is in the private collection.