Acrylics on canvas 36 x 48 inches 2013

From my LA, Imaginating series (hmmm, I guess I did enjoy my time in LA). Living in LA, I drove a 66’ Ford Bronco. She was a lot of fun, I had to unbolt the top, drag it into my friend’s back yard where it would sit for months so I could enjoy convertible living! I nearly drove her off a cliff while off-roading! We drove deep into Mexico together for a weekend of debauchery! We even drove across the country stopping at all the sites from LA to NYC where sadly, experiencing her first winter ever, she died. The drawing came from my love of that thing and now, over 15 years after, she rides again! Was there ever an actual orgy in that truck, hmmmmm…


If you are interested in bringing this painting into your life, please let us know, and we will help in any and every way.